Welcome to MERLANA e-store catalogue of metal products!

MERLANA e-store guarantees the best quality goods, attractive prices and express delivery! We have no doubt that here you will find everything you need, implementing reliable and stable solutions, as well as the best price-quality ratio for the solutions of decorative metal components, stainless steel elements, fencing systems or greenhouses. We want to save Your time and money, so we‘re doing our best to make sure your shopping at our e-store is fast, comfortable and enjoyable!

Using stock category sections in the left of the toolbar, you can find a production segment that you‘re interested in. We present you an ability to use specific item filters, that minimizes item list leaving only the results closest to your needs. Here you will also find tools for item comparison and shopping cart review, that will let you use the features of our e-store easily.


NEW !!! Premium shower head Raintouch on sale now! Coming soon, a new goods of decorative metal products complement our range. Follow the news!

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28.71 Eur
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37.54 Eur
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46.61 Eur
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34.72 Eur
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